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/ #17779

2014-02-10 11:06

DO NOT COMPLY with UN Agenda 21! LOOK it up! Inform yourself! NONE of this is coincidence. The UN has been abusing fake and made up notions of environmentalism since the 90's to justify their agenda to get people into economic serfdom. Global warming has been disproven more than it has been proven and yet THIS is the reason why they push their "green" agenda. Meanwhile, their banner bears a red shield and the REAL motive of this is to make it gradually impossible for their slave cattle to travel. They want us poor, stupid, weak and dependent of the state. This is pre-war nazi Germany all over again, only globally this time! LOCK these people up bedore they put you into a prison your tax money paid for! Look up Agenda 21! Question your government! Investigate your central banks! AUDIT your central banking cartels! Bring these criminals to JUSTICE before it's too late.