Ouverture de la piscine Alexandra St-Lambert été 2016


/ #12 Valuation

2015-12-06 22:33

We have just received the new valuation amounts for the next three years. Part of that evaluation may take into consideration the value of having the pool in this community park. Will the evauations be reduced for the loss of this pool in three years time? The market value of houses near to and around the park with the pool may be reduced by the loss of this pool. Shouldn't this have been discussed and possibly a referendum held to decide this issue? Why hasn't maintenace been part of the yearly costs? That pool was opened in 1967 and there hasn't been much work done on it since then. I know because I have lived across from it since it opened. So I guess that the management of Saint Lambert isn't transparent after all? Our taxes are horrendous for the services we receive in Saint Lambert. Where is our money going?