Bonaventure kalla

/ #1011

2011-01-26 00:10

It is time for African to stand and say to the face of the world that they are also children of God. Some where some one said.
" If there is a problem and you do not say anything you are also a part of that problem".
Ceux qui appelent de tous leurs voeux à la guerre pour prendre le pouvoir ne doivent jamais oublier que ce sont leurs propres frères et soeurs qui mourront lors de ces affrontements.
President Obama does not forget that he was elected to bring peace and fraternity among people of all countries in the world.
If anybody is killed in cote d'ivoire by any military forces to solve the post election crisis, this will be counted as a failure of his leadership.
You can not receive a Nobel price award and whenever there is crisis in one part of the world you send UN soldiers to kill women, children and the poor people of the country because western businessmen want to exploit the ressources of that country.
Tout ce que je peux dire c'est " honte au president Obama" parce que je sais qu'il suffit d'un seul mot de lui et l'option militaire sera immédiatement stoppée.
Merci au collectif qui a pris cette initiative.