Now, to be honest with you, BNK Park Hyejin and Woori Bank



"A showdown with Woori Bank? To be honest, I'm still having a hard time."

In 2024, the WKBL FA market is attracting attention due to the shift of big fish stocks. It is not just one or two people. There were also unexpected results.

Park Hye-jin (178 cm, G) was one of them. Park Hye-jin, who was the "hero of Woori Bank's dynasty" and a "Woori Bank One Club Player," made changes. She signed a four-year contract with her hometown team, Busan BNK, with a total salary of 320 million won (320,000,000,000 dollars) between 2024 and 2025 (annual salary: 270 million won and allowance: 50 million won).

As mentioned earlier, Park Hye-jin was Woori Bank. From the 2012-2013 season, she experienced six consecutive losses, and from the 2022-2023 season, she won the playoffs for two consecutive seasons. She also showed her competitiveness with a decisive shot in the 2023-2024 championship match.

Woori Bank also tried to catch Park Hye-jin somehow. Because the symbolism of Park Hye-jin is enormous. Park Hye-jin also knew how Woori Bank felt. He valued time with Woori Bank himself. So I thought about staying at Woori Bank.

However, Park Hye-jin focused on the word 'change'. After focusing on change, I thought of several options. And after thinking hard, I decided on 'BNK'. Park Hye-jin, who concluded with difficulty, responded to an interview with this paper on the afternoon of the 19th. Below is a question and answer with Park Hye-jin.

What have you been up to since winning?
"After the championship game was over, I couldn't take a break. It was because of FA negotiations. Even after signing a contract with BNK, I haven't had a good rest." (laughs)

How did you spend the FA period?
During the 2023-2024 season, I couldn't even participate in off-season workouts. That's how hard it was. Also, I spent a lot of time alone. Since then, I thought, "We need to change." Other teams contacted me a lot. So this time, I thought, "We need to change."

I experienced the 2nd FA once four years ago.
The FA rules (those who have experienced more than two FA's can negotiate with all six clubs at the same time) have changed since then. So it was embarrassing. Besides, there were only a few FA's, and I was in my prime. So, I got a lot of calls.
I also thought, "Should I go to another team?" However, I couldn't shake off my affection with Coach Wi Sung-woo, Coach Jeonju Won and Coach Lim Young-hee. So I stayed at Woori Bank and wanted to retire from Woori.

However, I suffered a lot of injuries for four years from 2020. I had a hard time mentally as well. That's why I thought about "my life" the most in this FA. It was not about wealth or honor, but about "experience."

Nevertheless, leaving Woori Bank would not have been easy.
I thought of the words 'change' and 'my life', but it was too difficult. It wasn't difficult to choose which team to go to, but it was really difficult to leave Woori Bank. And Woori Bank devoted its heart and affection to me until the end. So it was more...

The outcome of the selection was BNK.
To transfer means to work out in a new environment. So I was very anxious. But because Busan is home, I thought there would be a sense of mental stability.

He reunited with Kim Sonia and also joined hands with Ahn Hye-ji.
The two players were contacted only after the news came out. However, Sonia is in Romania and has not been able to talk with Ahn. However, she told Sonia, "It's different from when I was at Woori Bank. Let's do well in Busan."

What did you talk about with director Park Jung-eun?
Park Jung-eun's father-in-law passed away on July 14 so she did not get to meet him often. She had to come to Busan late at night and then go back to Seoul early in the morning. She also had no personal relationship with him. She only greeted him.
However, the coach said, "I retired as a franchise star. But I really missed my hometown a lot. If a professional team was in Busan, my hometown, I wanted to play there. That was my dream." Park Jung-eun said, "The basketball that the coach thought influenced me, but the words touched me."

What did you talk about with director Wi Sung-woo?
On the 16th, I met the secretary-general of (Woori Bank) and told him my final course of action. At that time, the director talked to director Wi Sung-woo on the phone, and I was able to talk to the director (in the middle of the call between the director and the director). I told the director, "I'm so sorry. I hope you understand my decision this time," and the director also understood.

However, personally, I would like to call you on the weekend. It's because the situation at Woori Bank is difficult right now, and the director must be busy. I think you'll be off around the weekend, so I'm going to contact you then.

I think Kim Dan-bi will be very disappointed.
Before that, (Park) Ji-hyun was leaving the team as an "arbitrary termination" status. When Danbi saw it, she called me, "You're not leaving, right?" However, I had made up my mind to some extent, and after making that decision, I contacted Danbi first. Danbi expressed regret, but she respected my choice. They exchanged words of support.

What if you take on Woori Bank players in Asan?
Honestly, when I think about it, I'm already having a hard time. Aside from the performance problem, I think I'll have a hard time in my mind. I think all six of them will be difficult.


BY: 토토사이트

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