Appel à protestation du Réseau des Enseignants Universitaires contre le plan du gouvernement Hongrois visant à supprimer le Master « Etudes sur le Genre »
We need to maintain the plurality of courses in the social sciences; this includes complex and critical disciplines such as gender studies that help to regularly redefine the parameters of knowledge and social understanding.(Lewes, 2018-08-20)
I was chocked to hear this. In a democratic society, the government does not shut down university courses for political reasons. Gender studies are needed in Hungary and all over the world more than ever.(Stockholm, 2018-08-20)
Gender studies a key discipline/ field of knowledge in current strategies for Growth and innovation!(copenhage, 2018-08-20)
I am signing because I have been a gender researcher for many years and know the value of the research and teaching in the field.(Winston-Salem, NC, 2018-08-20)
Gender studies becomes more relevant every day. It is very disturbing that Hungarian students would be denied access to such vital research.(Alkmaar, 2018-08-20)
The world today needs Gender Studies now more than ever, given the growing economic, social and political conditions that people of all racial, gender and ethnic backgrounds face on a daily basis.(London, 2018-08-20)
This gouvermental action attacks the academic freedom.(Dortmund, 2018-08-20)
... ich mich für Wissenschaftsfreiheit einsetze!(Bochum, RUB, 2018-08-20)
I am signing because as the former chair of the Committee for the Advancement of Women in Higher Education for the American Association of University Professors, which is at the forefront of protecting academic freedom in the US and supports it around the world, and as specialist in gender and world politics, a highly established field of study that has assisted in the recognition by the United Nations that the advancement of women is critical to peace, development, and democracy, I am shocked that a European nation would take such actions against the development of gender studies, which is widely available throughout much of the rest of Europe (and much of the other world regions) and supported by the EU. This is an unacceptable breach of academic freedom, women's human rights, and democracy and I am signing this as an individual university professor who supports these values and in support of Hungary's Network of University Teacher's protest against this serious breach..(Cincinnati, 2018-08-20)
I sign because I have a degree in gender studies and I consider this to be the most important education of our time.(Bergen, 2018-08-20)
Studying Gender Studies will promote the development of a just society.(Singapore, 2018-08-20)
I'm signing because gender, gender identity and gender expression are integral to the dignity and moral worth of persons as understood by Preamble to the UN Charter of Human Rights. Furthermore, the right to education, including the education of all persons is fundamental to the realization of human potential and all humanity(Edmonton, 2018-08-20)
...szegények, ha tudnák, milyen gender-tónusú egy ilyen megszüntetés, talán meggondolnák...(Budapest, 2018-08-20)
1) Gender Studies are an important component of a university.2) If universities are to be of high quality they must be free from government interference.
(Edmonton, 2018-08-20)
I'm signing this, because I believe that banning Gender Studies would be a huge mistake and a gigantic step-back. It would be robbing people of important knowledge and history, concerning not only themselves, but society, other cultures, every single human being and the world as a whole.(Løten, 2018-08-20)
Wissenschaftsfreiheit darf nicht eingeschränkt werden!(Berlin, 2018-08-20)
Ces attaques réactionnaires et fascistes contre la liberté académique sont insupportables et contraires aux valeurs de l’UE.(Paris, 2018-08-20)
It is an important field and further study would enhance understanding. Also, universities should be permitted to control their own curricula without government interference.(Framingham, 2018-08-20)
Because gender studies are very important in every university..(Fez, 2018-08-20)
My understanding of the legal and real autonomy of higher education excludes such measures to ban social science. Gender studies form since 60's an integral part of sociology, political sciences, economy, international relations. Moreover, there are relevant to neurosciences and biology too.(Madrid, 2018-08-20)
Creating a better world depends on better understanding of one another; in this, gender studies is making a major contribution.(South Portland, 2018-08-21)
Gender Studies is a valid field of study, and to ban it is the mark of a patriarchal, dictatorial regime. The Hungarian people didn’t suffer under 40 years of communist dictatorship just to be deprived of freedom of speech and education in 2018. If the Hungarian government bans gender studies, Hungary should be excluded from the European Union for its discriminatory behavior.(Arlington, 2018-08-21)
Die Politik der Regierung Orban des 21. Jahrhunderts nicht würdig ist. Es ist ein Sprung zurück ins 19. Jahrhundert: frauenfeindlich, rassistisch, unsozial.(Graz, 2018-08-21)