Appel à protestation du Réseau des Enseignants Universitaires contre le plan du gouvernement Hongrois visant à supprimer le Master « Etudes sur le Genre »
Je suis attachée à la liberté académique.Je dirige un programme en Études Genre et je suis convaincue de l'intérêt et de la valeur des perspectives de recherche offertes par les Études Genre.
(Genève, 2018-08-16)
Egyetértek(Budapest, 2018-08-16)
I am signing because it is outrageous not to recognize all the scientific work in order to make visible the inequality that still exists among human beings. As well as taking action against the discrimination that still exists. I can see that, otherwise we wouldn't be making this protest. Europe is becoming the new reflection of its dark past. It's time to open your eyes and take action!(Friedrichsdorf, 2018-08-16)
Gender studies is central to understanding the past and society today. It makes us better human beings.(Eastleigh, 2018-08-16)
I am a professor at a Canadian university and I have taught courses in the field of gender studies for many years. My students have embarked on successful careers in various fields. Academically and economically speaking, there is absolutely no justification to abolish these programs.(Ottawa, 2018-08-16)
Gender studies are a major field of research and teaching in Universities world wide(Florence, 2018-08-16)
It is completely reprehensible that any modern, European government would publicly state that gender studies is an ideology and not rational for the job market.(Barboursville, 2018-08-16)
I sign the petition,because I’m not amused about in which extent the orban regime is ready to follow and give in to the moscovite pressure of putin to keep western influences and tendencies as far from russia as possible. I understand that orban is blackmailed and kept on a short lead by putin, but we are still a good few intellectuals living and working in hungary, vehemently opposing to this.(Budapest, 2018-08-16)
I am signing to supplier women and education.(Manchester, 2018-08-16)
I'm signing because it's crucial that we continue to teach, research and discuss the ways in which academic freedom and discourses which challenge the patriarchy are being undermined.(Newcastle upon Tyne, 2018-08-16)
I'm signing because gender studied have laid open social inequalities based on a gender stereotyping attribution of ressources. Without gender studies these patterns are seen as 'natural' and thus without any perspective of a change.(Innsbruck, 2018-08-16)
Rendkivul veszelyes, amikor politikusok okosabbnak tartjak magukat a tudosoknal. Plane, ha eppen kormanyoznak. Rakosi elvtars is sajat meggyozodeset kovetve keklo buzamezoben mutatta a helyes iranyt. Bocs', eltevesztette....(Budapest, 2018-08-16)
I am signing because academic freedom of universities has to be respected without brutal intervention of the governments public servants. If we accept this now, we will find ourselves in the same position in the near future. Such illiberal policies are contagious, like plague, so beware of turning your head...(Timisoara, 2018-08-16)
I'm signing because this is another step towards authoritarian dictatorship in Hungary.(Toronto, 2018-08-16)
Gender studies are humanistic to their core, intellectually rigorous, and they promote civic virtue and love on top of that.(Wellington, 2018-08-16)
This decision is inconsistent with both traditional principles of academic freedom and contemporary imperatives to advance inclusion and reduce inequality by understanding the cultural, historical, and social contexts of gender. Fear ignorance, not evidence.(Halifax, 2018-08-16)
Gender Studies are just good science!(Barcelona, 2018-08-16)
No good studies without gender studies(Warsaw, 2018-08-16)
az egyetemi autonómia durva megsértése, világszerte elismert kutatást, fontos tudományszakot kérdőjelez meg, mindenféle ismeretek nélkül(Pécs, 2018-08-16)
I'm signing this because I cannot believe this is happening. Good god.(LIncoln, 2018-08-16)
Je suis française et hongroise. Je trouve scandaleux de lire que l’actuel gouvernement poursuit sur cette lancée abjecte ! C’est une honte!(Paris, 2018-08-16)
Je signe parce que je ne suis pas d'accord avec l'initiative d'interdire gender studies.(Bucarest, 2018-08-16)
This is an unwarranted intrusion into the academic freedom and intellectual life of the university.(Meadville, 2018-08-16)
Gender Studies are fundamental to strengthen an area of research that seeks to uncover social injustices that appear socially naturalized.Governments can not undermine university autonomy and the areas of research that are chosen within universities.
(Braga, 2018-08-16)
Academic institutions must determine their own courses of studies. A course must succeed or fail on its academic merit, its ability to attract high quality scholars willing to dedicate themselves to it, and the number of students voluntarily enrolling. There is never a justification for political interference in the curriculum.(London, 2018-08-17)
For me this is a big scandal and attack on basic womens rights(Belgrade - Zemun, 2018-08-17)
gender studies and intersectional methodologyuniversità della calabria, south italy
(rende, 2018-08-17)
Gender Studies is VITAL for the fostering of the healthy development of individual identity within a fair societal and cultural context, especially for young people. It is a tool for understanding culture, history, politics and their impact on the psyche. And it's one of the best ways of combating stupid homophobia at the root.(Athens, 2018-08-17)
I'm signing because I'm afraid of the same situation in Poland. Who will stop this political horror?(Warsaw, 2018-08-17)