Modification Azawakh Standard FCI

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2011-04-25 19:29

Bitte alle guten Hunderassen erhalten, sonst geht viel verloren!
Mimi Drake


2011-04-25 21:57

The authentic Azawakh-Idi of the Sahel exist over millennium in a full spectrum of colours and colour combinations. During the ABIS expeditions of 1996, 1997 and 2000 inventory on colours was taken on 582 dogs:
251 are red or 44,84%
195 are sands or 33,51%;
81 are brindle or 13,92%;
The above colours are presently recognized by FCI.

32 are piebald or 4,50%;
1 is blue or 0,17%;
1 is black or 0,17%;
9 are creme or 1,37%;
3 are lilac or 0,52%.
These colours represent 6,73% of the recent population and are not permitted.

These colours do exist and must be permitted.

Dr.Werner Röder

#3 Re: Modification Azawakh Standard FCI

2011-04-26 14:49

#2: Mimi Drake -

Mimi, thank you for quoting from our field research papers. But you cannot impress the believers of traditional  "Dogdom" with references to aboriginal  populations of a breed, appeals for the preservation of bio-diversity, natural functionality, health, genetics and other intellectual stuff of this kind. The Standard System has been created in the 19th century as a collection of rules for a social passtime: To "improve" dog breeds of arbitrary definitions. The respective "creativity" of a breeder is reimbursed by championship awards. serving vanity and material interests. Organisations like the FCI were meant to be the bureaucratic administrators of this competitive game. It will take a long time to change their "philosophy" - if ever. Only chance for people who want to preserve canine heritage is to proceed on their own without regard to so-called breed standards. And, of course, to voice their criticism of the existing "Dogdom"-system, as it is done here. Maybe, this could help to influence some of the most nonsensical details.

Mimi Drake

#4 Re: Re: Modification Azawakh Standard FCI

2011-04-26 18:35

#3: Dr.Werner Röder - Re: Modification Azawakh Standard FCI

Werner - There is recognition that neither a popularity poll open to all-comers on the Internet, nor the exposure of relevant statistics in the same social media, may be effective means of political influence. We can only be realistic about this.

Yet, the exercise is not entirely futile.  We can still enjoy the fringe benefits developed from such efforts: the sense of unity, the enlightenment through shared data, perhaps the inspiration to dare look beyond for an alternative solution in order to preserve the canine heritage and genetic resource of this fascinating breed, the azawakh-idi.

This will not be the first time, or the first group of dog fanciers who have had to "bite the bullet", and march forward to establish the same animal, under a new "label" or name, as a varietal or otherwise; or to form a new organization to protect the breed resources.  Indeed, if one chooses to see, an alternate route is already available to begin this new journey.

No day dreaming here.  Been there and done that, Mimi Drake



2011-04-26 20:38

for the love of the aza

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2011-04-27 00:39



2011-05-16 12:02

Ridiculous - the standard should have wider margins not be narrowed!Do you want to turn the show examples of this breed into a travesty of itself as has happened to so many others whose gene pool has been narrowed by such nonsense as this proposal?

Selecting for colour is a particularly dangerous breeding route as any breeder of any species knows - except apparently dog breeders...


#8 Modification Azawakh Standard ???

2011-05-31 00:20

It seems that we have wasted our time by signing this "Petition". Obviously, the organizers of this Facebook campaign have lost interest in the case or made their arrangements with SLAG. What else?

#9 To visitor # 8

2011-06-01 14:09

Thank you very much for signing this petition, Visitor. You did not waste your time in signing it ! It has been already sent out to the President of the SCC on May 20. We are now waiting for an answer or news from the SCC. Depending on SCC decision regarding the new Standard project, it may be necessary to send this petition later on to the FCI. So, it is still important and possible to sign the petition for those who would like to help and did not already.
Thank you for the Azawakh breed !

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2012-11-17 08:18

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2012-11-19 17:12

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2012-12-02 02:48

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2012-12-27 04:53

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2012-12-29 10:37

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2013-01-04 04:26

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2013-01-04 07:40

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2014-01-11 17:35


#21 Azawakh

2014-07-06 12:06

Pour la conservation des types d origine. Les éleveurs ancestraux de cette race l ont sélectionné selon des critères bien établis.
Nous n avons donc pas le droit de changer cela, et avons obligation de préserver cette race de toute mode ou de vue d esprit de certains éleveurs qui auraient l outrecuidance de vouloir modifier ce qui a été modelé pendant des siècles par des gens certainement plus aptes que les occidentaux qui ne connaissent cette race que depuis quelques dizaines d années.
Certes, les conditions de vie de ces chiens dans leur région d origine, peut faire, qu élevés en europe ils soient par exemple, plus grands du fait d une meilleure alimentation et d un meilleur environnement, mais rien de plus.
Quand on voit l afghan aujourd hui, et l afghan dans son pays d origine, ce n est plus du tout le meme chien. En Afghanistan il servait de chien de bat, pour passer la ou ne passaient pas les anes. Je défie tout éleveur d afghan a faire porter 40 kgs, et plus sur le dos de ses chiens dans les montagnes, sur des chemins difficiles!! L afghan a été victime de la mode,et de la clientèle.
J ai fréquenté les expos canines dans les années 80 et 90, et ai vu l apparition de l Azawakh, Types très divers, certains pas typiques du tout et pourtant provenant d éleveurs reconnus, en particulier en Salukis frangés et (smooth! presque un sloughi)!!
Que n a t on fait également avec le Barzoi, que l on avait rendu completement bossu.

Pourvu que plus jamais ces races de lévriers ne soient a la mode pour leur physique ou leurs couleurs.
Ancienne propriètaire de Salukis,(en maison),maintenant en appartement j ai repris il y a quelques années un petit lévrier italien, et ai adopté il y a trois ans un Galgo venant des refuges espagnols, tellement leur sort m a emu.
Mes races préférées le Saluki, le Sloughi et l Azawakh.