Perte des permis d'exploitations et d'alcool du Buonanotte

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Ce sujet de conversation a été automatiquement créé pour la pétition Perte des permis d'exploitations et d'alcool du Buonanotte.


#1 Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-10 08:56

This establishment gained publicity and monetarily at the determent of the Office de la Langue Francaise of Quebec. I demand that their liquor and business license be removed permanently. They also have a long list of complaints of past infractions.



2013-03-10 09:08

The establishment named Restaurant Buonanotte at the determent of Office de la Langue Francaise and the French Quebecois nation has gained publicity AND monetarily. I demand that they should lose their liquor and operation license since they have a history of infractions. Also, they should apologize to the Quebecois Francais population of Quebec.


#3 Re: Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-10 15:09

#1: - Restaurant Buonanotte

this establishment is being harassed by a group of criminals who are well known to the police..they are "quebec francais"..i think this harassement should stop.


#4 Re: Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-10 15:50

#1: - Restaurant Buonanotte

The QOLF and teh SAQ are not related and cannot be judged together for any reason


#5 Re: Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-10 16:41



2013-03-10 16:53

The Quebec Francais should hang their heads in shame for their disgusting blatant HATRED of the English and Allophones in Quebec!...There is NO place in this world for bigots like them! This restaurant should continue to operate as they always have....with CLASS!...Something the these HATE MONGERS know nothing of!!

#7 Conflits de Massimo Lecas, le propriétaire du Buonanotte

2013-03-10 17:02

Voici un historique de divers conflits ayant concerné diverses entreprises de Massimo Lecas, le propriétaire du Buonanotte ayant participé à monter en épingle la fausse histoire du « pastagate ».!/photo.php?fbid=486043224778501&set=a.324109114305247.73488.156743514375142&type=1&theater
Kaptain Kanada

#8 Re: Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-10 17:12

#1: - Restaurant Buonanotte

Fuck you, asshole, seperatist dog.


#9 Quebecois Francais hatred?

2013-03-10 18:07

#6: -

The ONLY hatred coming from Quebecers are YOU anglomaniacs that are fanning hate, vitriol, animosity, and biased rehtorical inaccurate statements. Stop listening to CJAD, Montreal Gazette and drinking their kool aid. Parle Francais!


#10 YOU!

2013-03-10 18:11

#6: -

YOU are the haters in Quebec, not the French. Parle francais mes tetes carrees.


#11 Re: Re: Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-10 18:23

#3: - Re: Restaurant Buonanotte




#12 Re:

2013-03-10 18:30

#6: -

salut ma gang de trouduc du west island!


#13 Re:

2013-03-10 18:36

#6: -  

 Shame? The Quebec french ARE the ones fighting bigotry, ignorance, and intolerance. It is people like you that completely twist reality. It is people like you that are toxic to Quebec. We are fighting the complete irrational hatred, bigotry, intolerance and disrespect of the french by people such as yourself. How about hanging your head in shame for these hateful, ignorant comments.  Respect the culture your in. Respect it's people. Respect it's language. We will not be dominated by the Anlgos any longer. You live in Quebec, you should accept and be proud of the language laws. No one should be against these needed and common sense laws. Quebec does not need toxic people like you.


#14 Re: Re: Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-10 19:07

#8: Kaptain Kanada - Re: Restaurant Buonanotte 

 Separatist dog? Fighting for independence is something to be proud of. It is our right to determine our destiny. Our right to determine the future and destiny of Quebec for our children and all future generations of Quebecois. We were forced into Canada illegally through war. We never forgot that and neither should you. You should be standing up and fighting with us. It is the right thing to do.


#15 Re: Re: Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-10 19:10

#3: - Re: Restaurant Buonanotte 

 Harassment? The ONLY harassment is coming from people like you. How about showing respect for the culture you are living in. Quebec is french....not english. The irrational discrimination and bigotry against the french must stop. Your attitude and disrespect are toxic to Quebec and it's people.

Canada Libre

#16 Propaganda

2013-03-10 19:18

This is an organised campaign of disinformation from anglo-imperialists againt the real (French) Canada. The Buonanotte had zero French on its menues and knew that was against the law.
Richard Harrison

#17 trolls, baiters, plants.

2013-03-10 19:32

#13: Normand - Re:

These anglo trolls have nothing more to do but call quebercers racists and bash you guys. I see how they are when these rude, nasty english canucks come to our country and trash our stores here in the USA. No wonder you guys want to separate from canuckland. Thay have  a foreign queen as their leader. What a bunch of maple leaf asswipes. Their loose association called kenata will be coming to and end very very soon. They got too comfortable with currupt Jean charest for 9 years. Pay back is a bitch you anglomaniacs. You have no respect for yourselves let alone americans OR Quebecois.  Vivre Bill 101 and vivre le Quebec LIBRE. btw, canada sucks....AND THE OWNER OF BUENANOTTE SHOULD APOLOGIZE BUT HE WON'T CAUSE HE IS A MAFIOSO SHAMEFUL CREEP, HE AIN'T MAN ENOUGH.


#18 Re: trolls, baiters, plants.

2013-03-10 23:12

#17: Richard Harrison - trolls, baiters, plants. 

 Merci, Richard for your support. Quebec will become independant one day. It is not a matter of if but when. Quebec is a conquered nation struggling for it's freedom. It is long overdue. To correct the wrongs of the past, Canadians should all be in favor of this. My large family and most Quebecois have never felt " Canadian ".....that is a foreign nation to us.



2013-03-10 23:44

Nous assistons à une campagne organisée de dénigrement de l'état Québécois et de ses lois à partir de fonctionnaires mis en place par le gouvernent John James.


#20 Re: Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-11 00:38

Canada Libre

#21 Re: Re: Restaurant Buonanotte

2013-03-11 00:54

#8: Kaptain Kanada - Re: Restaurant Buonanotte 


. Great example of what anglo-imperialism is all about. Thanks.

#23 FIRE

2013-03-11 14:42

you people are playing with fire...
Fa Q 101

#24 Félicitations!

2013-03-12 06:50

Wow! 12 signatures! Vous devriez être très fiers!
White Rhodesian

#25 Re: Quebecois Francais hatred?

2013-03-12 14:26

#9: - Quebecois Francais hatred?

French Canadian, Quebec nationalism is based on pure ignorance, resentment, hatred born of envy and an inferiority complex, and will die the death is most assuredly deserves as the ethnically French proportion of Quebec's population gradually shrinks over the next 30 years. Crawl back under the rocks from whence you came, you sacks of amphibious shit, and learn how to speak Quebec's other official language (see section 133 of the 1867 Constitution Act that you assipes signed), which is the international language of pretty much everything (commerce, diplomacy, science, technology, medicine, popular culture, aviation, etc.) and Quebec's most natural and legitimate "common language". All immigrants (including even Haitiand and Algerians) prefer that their children learn Engish because it opens up the most doors to economic success and opportunity. French is just a ghetto language now. Get used to it, fuckheads! If you want to preserve your jouale, then just speak it to yourselves and each other. Don't force it down our throats, cocksuckers.